Cisco To Juniper Command Reference Sheet

					Cisco	                                        Juniper	                                    What it does
show run	                                    sh configuration	                        Show running configuration
show version	                                show version	                            Show version
show IP interface brief	                        show interface terse	                    displays the status of interfaces configured for IP
show interface #	                            show interfaces # detail	                displays the interface configuration, status and statistics.
show controller #	                            show interfaces # extensive	                displays information about a physical port device
show interface | incl (proto|Desc)	            show interfaces description	                displays the interface configuration, status and statistics
show IP route	                                show route	                                displays summary information about entries in the routing table
show IP BGP summary	                            show BGP summary	                        displays the status of all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections
show IP BGP net mask	                        show route protocol BGP prefix	            will show you how that route is being advertised, look for the first line
show IP BGP net mask longer-prefixes	        show route range prefix	will                show you how that route is being advertised, look for the first line
show IP BGP regexp AS-regexp	                show route aspath-regexp “AS-regexp”	    displays routes matching autonomous system (AS) path regular expression
show IP BGP neighbors neigh received-routes	    show route receive-protocol BGP neigh	
                                                show route source-gateway neigh prot BGP    Shows whether a neighbor supports the route refresh capability	
show IP BGP neighbor neigh advertised-routes	show route advertising-protocol BGP neigh	Shows whether a neighbor supports the route refresh capability
show clns neighbors	                            show ISIS adjacency	                        displays both ES and IS neighbors
show clns interface	                            show ISIS interface	                        shows specific information about each interface
show IP route ISIS	                            show ISIS routes	                        displays the current state of the the routing table
show ISIS topology	                            show ISIS spf	                            displays a list of all connected routers in all areas
show IP OSPF interface	                        show OSPF neighbor	                        shows neighbor ID, Priority, IP, neighbor router state & dead time.
show IP OSPF interface	                        show OSPF interface	                        shows neighbor id, prior, state, dead time, address and interface
show IP route OSPF	                            show OSPF route	                            display the current state of the routing table
show IP OSPF database	                        show OSPF database	                        display information related to the OSPF database of a specific server
show version	                                show version, show system uptime	        display system hardware, software version, name and configuration
show diags	                                    show chasis hardware	                    displays power-on diagnostics status
show processes cpu	                            show system process	                        displays utilization statistics
show tech-support	                            request support info	                    displays the current software image, configuration, etc
show logging	                                show log messages	                        display the state of logging to the syslog
show route-map name	                            show policy name	                        display all route-maps configured or only the one specified
show IP prefix-list name	                    show policy name	                        display information about a prefix list or prefix list entries
show IP community-list list	configure,	
show policy-options community name	                                                        display routes that are permitted by BGP community list	
show environment all	                        show chassis environment	                displays temperature and voltage information on the console
ping dest	                                    ping dest rapid                             (for cisco like output)	
                                                ping dest (for unix like output)	        to check to see if a destination is alive	
ping (setting source int)	                    ping dest bypass-routing	                to check to see if a destination is alive
terminal monitor	                            monitor start messages	                    Change console terminal settings
terminal no monitor	                            monitor stop	                            Change console terminal settings
terminal length 0	                            set cli screen-length 0	                    set cli screen length
Picture of George S. Davis

George S. Davis

Sr. Network Engineer
George has worked in data, voice, and electronic technologies for over twenty-five years.
From small and mid-size offices to large enterprise fortune 500 companies. He is experienced in legacy voice communications, electronics, VOiP, and DATA networking. (c) 2008 -2023